If you’ve just recently made the switch to working from home with young children, then you know how difficult it may be. It’s not simple to juggle your job obligations and your child’s necessities at the same time.
I’ve been working from home alongside my kids for two years, and it’s a journey of continuous learning with moments of tears and feeling like I was losing my mind.

Along the way, I’ve picked up valuable tips about which techniques work and which don’t. Through tweaks and trial and error, I’ve come up with a set of guidelines, that I think will help a lot of people deal with the difficulties of working from home with children.
Just be aware that as your babies grow older, their needs will evolve, so anticipate making adjustments from time to time. Don’t worry, I’ve put together some helpful advice that covers everything from the early stages of infancy to toddlerhood and beyond.
Here are my top tips, shared from one mother to another.
1. Begin Your Work Week In A Clean Home
Starting your week in a clean home is imperative to maintain focus, reduce stress, and increase productivity—especially when you’re working from home with kids.

It’s tough to keep a perfectly clean house when you’ve got active kids running around, but there are simple ways to stay on top of it. Tidy up toys when playtime is over and make sure to vacuum the carpets regularly to keep dirt under control.
If we don’t clean up particles, dirt or dust right away, you risk the chance of small babies or toddlers putting it in their mouths. Maintaining a clean house lowers the risk of illness for both you and your kids by creating a healthier living environment.
But hey, I totally get it—who has the time to pick up a vacuum multiple times in a day, especially with all the chaos? One thing that has been incredibly helpful for me is using a robo vacuum.

Here is a fantastic option for under $200.
It’s like having an extra assistant that takes care of picking up all those little crumbs on the floor before my 1-year-old can get to them. I’ve never enjoyed a cleaning gadget or appliance as much as I love this one.
2. Setting a Schedule Is KEY to Working Remotely With Children
Effectively managing your time with a well-structured schedule is crucial for navigating the chaos of working from home. Think of schedules as the solid foundation that helps both parents and young children stay on track and flourish. A well-thought-out schedule is your ticket to successfully balancing work and home life. You might also discover pockets of unused time waiting to be filled.
So now, you may be wondering, what would a daily schedule look like?
Here’s a glimpse into my daily routine while working from home with my 6-month old son. Keep in mind that every schedule can vary depending on factors like age and individual circumstances.

3. Provide Independent Play
There are numerous development benefits to teaching young ones how to play independently. So I won’t go into detail as to why it’s important. However, I personally find this tip particularly helpful when working from home with kids.
Here’s a look at what independent play might involve at different stages of childhood:
Babies and Infants
When it comes to working from home, the baby stage can be one of the most manageable phases. Babies mainly need sleep, food, cuddles, and short bursts of playtime before their nap.
I found using a playmat for my baby incredibly helpful. It gave him the space to explore and develop skills like rolling over and lifting his head.

I’d set up this playmat near my workstation, allowing me to keep a close eye on him while I worked. It was a win-win situation because he had plenty of playtime and exercise on the playmat while I tackled important work emails.
As my son grew older and became more physically active, around 6 months old, I introduced him to a baby bouncer. He absolutely loved it! Watching him jump his life away with giggles and smiles, surrounded by lights and sounds from the activity center, was pure delight. Among the many options available, he particularly enjoyed the Finding-Nemo theme bouncer.

I usually let him enjoy the bouncer for about an hour before moving him to another activity or toy.
Transitioning from having an infant to a toddler brought about significant changes to our daily routine and the activities we engaged in. It was undeniably one of the toughest transitions due to their increased activity level and longer wake times. However, it also turned out to be one of the most enjoyable phases as my toddler became more engaged with various activities.
Around the age of 1, I introduced my son to the Baby Einstein activity table, and he still loves it. It’s a great table that even older toddlers can enjoy, allowing them to stand comfortably while playing with the various gadgets.

During this stage, it’s important to keep toddlers curious and interested by rotating toys regularly. I usually switch toys every 30 minutes or whenever I notice my son starting to lose interest in what he’s doing.
Maze toys are great for toddlers, as they help develop their brains and encourage their natural curiosity.

We also use shape sorting cubes, which my son loves.

4. Outdoor Play
Toddlers and older kids really thrive when they get to spend time outdoors. It’s especially important to prioritize outdoor time during your workday, particularly if you have older children. Whether it’s drive to the park or a stroll around the neighborhood, they’ll cherish these little adventures.

I always set aside 30 minutes to an hour each morning to take my 1-year-old to the grassy field. He has a blast running around, and by the time we return home, he’s completely worn out, which makes nap time a breeze!
5. Create A Safe And Playful Haven
As you work, ensure to create an inviting indoor play area for kids, complete with toys, a soft rug or foam mat, and cushions for added safety. Make it their special space where they can play freely.

I enjoy setting up baskets of toys and laying out a soft foam rug to provide a safe and comfortable environment for my toddler to play without any concerns about injuries.
Furthermore, I decided to set up my office in a corner of the nursery. It just made the most sense for me; I could work while my toddler happily played nearby.
Here is what my set up looked like.

6. Screen Time
This topic can spark different opinions, as many people have varying views on allowing TV for kids. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests limiting screen time, including TV, for babies and toddlers under 2 years old.
However, if you do choose to include screen time, it’s important to supervise and control it responsibly.

I typically have educational TV on for my toddler in the mornings while I get things settled. I make sure it doesn’t go beyond an hour. It keeps him entertained while I also get some work done. His favorite show is Ms. Rachel, and we find her online videos helpful for promoting language development in young children.
7. Avoid Spending Time In The Kitchen
When I first started working from home, I made the mistake of spending too much time in the kitchen, cooking and cleaning up, which really impacted my productivity.
To fix this, I now meal prep in advance. Plus, to save even more time, I use Walmart’s free grocery delivery service. It’s as simple as ordering your groceries online and picking them up when it’s convenient for you.
And when I’m in a hurry or feeling fancy, I rely on Instacart for grocery delivery right to my door. It’s a convenient option available in the United States and Canada. Plus, you can try it out for free with their 14-day trial offer.
8. Consider Day Care
There may be several reasons why one might hesitate to choose daycare. Emotional guilt, separation anxiety, or financial burdens are common concerns. It’s important to acknowledge that these feelings are valid and understandable, but they can be overcome.
I made the decision to enroll my son in daycare shortly after he turned 1 because I knew it was essential for me to fully focus on my work. The first few days were challenging as I grappled with various emotions, but now he eagerly runs to the door every morning, excited for his day at daycare.
By selecting a quality daycare, fostering open communication with the staff, embracing the benefits of daycare, and striving for a healthy work-life balance, you can alleviate this guilt.
Additionally, if you’re facing financial difficulties but need assistance, numerous childcare financial aid programs are available in the U.S. Families with low incomes can access support through child care vouchers, scholarships, cash assistance, and other resources provided by states and local organizations.
Final Thoughts On Working From Home With Kids
For those working from home with kids, you’re truly superheroes! It’s no easy feat, but with preparation and the right tools, you’ll manage just fine.
Here are some last-minute tips:
- Make mornings count: Wake up before your kids to get a head start. It’s prime time to tackle important tasks that need immediate attention.
- Patience is key: Dealing with kids requires lots of patience, so remember to stay calm and composed.
- Make the most of nap times: Don’t waste these precious moments. Use nap times wisely to get as much work done as possible.
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